If you have a front or backyard that quickly fills up with fallen leaves, a high-quality leaf blower is the most effective tool to remove the unwanted lawn debris. But, before investing in a leaf blower, it can benefit to have an understanding of the different types of blowers and the most effective strategies to clear the leaves. Here are some of the most important things to consider when using this piece of gardening equipment:
Backpack vs. Handheld
The leaf blower is split into two types: backpack or handheld models. Both can provide similar performance and runs on a 2 or 4 stroke engine. The backpack units are appreciated for being easier to use because it is not necessary to constantly hold the weight of the tool in the hands. But, there are many handheld units that provide a dual function and can act as both a blower and vacuum. Plus, the latest models are a lot cleaner and quieter than early model's from the 1990s.
The most effective strategy to use the leaf blower is to create several large piles in the garden and then transfer to a bag by hand. The blower is great for clearing the bulk of the leaves, but shouldn't be used to clear every last leave as that would be too time-consuming. The last of the leaves are easily cleared using a leaf rake.
If the handheld blower has a vacuum feature this is best used on the less accessible or smaller jobs (base of fences, trapped around rocks, etc.) that would make it difficult to use the blower. Other practical uses include clearing leaves or similar debris from the patio or deck area.
Try to avoid this type of garden work when there is a strong breeze. If the wind is blowing in a different direction than you want to blow the leaves this can be very counterproductive. A preferred time to work is on a day when the wind is almost still and won't impact the removal of the leaves.
Wet or dry
Similar to timing it makes sense to have the best possible conditions when using the leaf blower. It is a lot easier to clear the leaves on a dry day compared to working shortly after a rain storm. If you attempt to use the blower and the leaves are barely moving the conditions may be too wet. It would be better to come back at a later date.
Source by Leo Eigenberg