
Pressure assisted toilets are a unique type of toilet, one of the few changes in the industry over the years and we'll look closer at these choices. They are becoming more and more common simply because they work really well.

So if you are remodeling your home or building, a new one of these might be something you would consider.

OK so let's begin with a quick explanation of what pressure assisted toilets are. These are toilets that allow water pressure to build up in the storage tank and then use that pressurized water to clean out the bowl. By the way, if you are worried about having guests over and having to explain each time how to use it, there are no worries there.

These toilets look the same from the outside and unless someone opens the storage tank and sees the completely sealed inner bowl they will never know the difference. Let's hope your guests are not that interested in your plumbing.

The difference between these models and the one you and almost everyone else in America has in their homes is the pressure. Instead of using gravity to simply help pull the water down, the pressure builds up in the tank and then the water is literally forced out of the holes with high pressure. It is a system that works quite well.

There is not a water pump. These versions simply use the pressure that comes from the water company into your home. The only time you might worry about installing one of these types is if you have a serious water pressure problem in your home which can happen to some neighborhoods that have over built and have over taxed the local water supply. But if that is not a problem you should be good to go.

These toilets range in price from the $200's to $400's range and look almost identical to the normal toilets. Actually looking at them either online or in a store you will have a hard time telling them apart. The mechanics of these are so simple that most brands are the same.

Installing them is the same process as putting in a regular toilet as well since the differences in design are in the unit and not outside the toilet. We wish you the best in your bathroom remodel and hope that this article helped you decide on the next toilet in your bathroom . . .


Source by Chris Smitts