There could be distinguished probably many Current International Levels of Development but for simplifying this philosophical conception we will are allocating 5:
1. Basic CILOD up to 6000 BC
* It is characterized with basic physical individual competition best described by archeological discoveries. Small tribal and on a move large family units mostly on a move; nomadic life.
2. Basic Social CILOD up to 1100 AD
1. It is characterized with growing large empires and settling of tribes: described by the Odyssey and Iliad, also by the Old Testament; and the history of China, South America, Persia, Egypt and Rome. Individual competition had progressed from the perception for individual qualities value changing from mostly physical to mostly organizational when organized political structures and trained armies were most valuable then the individual physical strength; the new priorities required skills and knowledge not being known before therefore the socio-economic structures of the most developed societies and countries at the time established rules and benefits for this kind of development; in the beginning political structures were rigid totalitarian of empires as Persia, Egypt, China and then more democratic as Greece and early Rome then the early feudal structures in Europe. Some of the most important developments on this long period were the development of governmental and market structures; the rise of the organized monotheistic religions particularly of the Christianity bringing humanitarian values very powerful and productive to organize social structures. Economics had changed priorities through this time from basic individual survival of the previous period to mostly governmentally control in the old empires to the market economics of the Greeks and the Romans and to the market economics of the feudalism.
3. Social CILOD up to 1700 AD
The Discoveries and Colonization of the Americas, Africa and Asia by the Most Developed Countries brought plentiful resources to the colonizers which helped the feudal socio-economic structures to start braking and developing into pro capitalistic economics' structures; the numerous ways for individuals to compete for money and power gradually and in some countries like France abruptly through revolutions; the Renaissance has brought freedom of expressions and high expectations to the citizens of the Western and Central Europe: the feudal structures of novelties and kingdom were losing gradually their powers to the new developing socio-economic structures. The historical developments of this time was affected by the ideas for social justice and the crystallizing nationalism; more nations has been becoming nationalistic with feuds among them; the large holders of power were constantly fighting each other for World dominance and at the same time smaller countries and nations were struggling to distinguish themselves from the big ones' political and economic control. The economic growth in Europe has ignited the nationalism and chauvinism which lately brought the ideologies; the following wars of the 20 Century were already being anticipated by the building hatred among nations and countries. International trade and business even always interrupted by wars and feuds were already showing the signs of importance for political and economic domination by the Most Developed Countries.
4. Advance Social CILOD up to 1980 AD
This Current International Level of Development is characterized by
* the Global Colonization by the Great Powers of the entire World which process was considered the way for them to grow economically and politically: this kind of competition was giving them a social-economic release tools to let more individuals competing and contributing to their growth; the old saying “to keep internal peace one should go to war with their neighbors” was working. The socio-economic injustice and huge crock between the “having and having not”,
* the suppression of social justice by the governments; in the entire World they defended the privileged classes
* the establishment of the United States of America where individual freedoms and free market economics showed to the World what power such approach holds; it was a mass exodus of people from Western Europe, China and Japan to the New World in search of personal freedom and economic prosperity getting away from their socio-economic rulers: the US became a symbol of the new coming just World.
* the technological revolutions which brought grueling working conditions and pollution;
* the October Revolution in Russia which was already based on Marxism a “pro demand” socio-economic ideology
* the great wars which exterminated millions of people and devastated many countries' infrastructure;
* the growth of ideologies possible because of the new means of communications the radio and later the TV
* the decolonization of the World which came after the great wars when the great powers already devastated by the Second World War figured out that maintaining their colonies was too expensive;
* the post war Cold War between the Soviet Block and the United States: where the ideologies became ruling their Economics:
* from one side pro-demand governmentally run economies of the Eastern Block and China, which inflexible totalitarian regimes limited individual freedoms and individuals involvement in communist economics was as strictly controlled by the governments which approach in economics is quite inflexible and insufficient
* from other side the pro supply capitalistic United States and Western European Countries, Canada, Australia and Japan which differ in their Capitalistic Economics: Western European Countries, Canada and Australia developed a pro social economics, US a trickle down economics and Japan a pro nationalistic export based capitalistic economics closer in structure to US then to Europe; the pro supply capitalism was more progressive at this time in building business and infrastructures thus it was giving their individuals much more open space to compete: even differing from country to country the pro supply capitalism combined with personal freedoms was giving the business fruitful space to grow and build its structures
* the rest of the World was divided to the cold war blocks' sphere of influence attaching or detaching themselves to one side or the other: overall socio-economic justice was limited elsewhere in the World as well.
* US established itself as the frontrunner and leader of the free world as a protector of freedom and democracy from the dark forces of the communism. People around the World admired the technological advances and the high standards of life US was achieving.
* the humanization of the capitalism: gradually it became obvious that a Market of a country could be strong only if the Demand for goods and services could support its growth therefore an economics of pour redistribution of wealth could have unfavorable effect on its growth; the socio economic policies nave been gradually changing to adapt these new conditions; the Trickle Down Economics worked relatively well using the competition as main economic tool to rapidly expand the Supply and the Demand was following it up: the expending Labor Market followed as well. Thus a strong middle class of white and blue color workers and professionals founded a strong US market advancing the rest of the World in consumption and achieving higher life standards. The European bureaucracy and the inflexible Eastern Block and China's communist economics were no match for it; US Economy achieved total supremacy having the best economics for balancing Supply to Demand, low Governmental involvement in the Economy, easy regulations of businesses start up, flexible employment regulation benefiting businesses, strong technological advance as a result of highly successful post graduate education and open immigration policies allowing intellectuals from around the World to take refuge in US; the lower prices of crude oil and other commodities dictated by the huge US Market and strong Dollar.
In this kind of economic environment the US capitalism achieved the highest level of growth and it humanized it by giving countless opportunities for virtually any individual willing to do business educate themselves to participate in the economic competition.
United States of America was and still is the Most Developed Country and Market in the World.
· After the Eastern Block bogus system collapse most of the countries past members started integrating into the European Union structures and the rest open their markets to the global competition one way or another, after China integrated in the WTO and India became a power source of high tech professionals and most of the South American countries stabilized politically the World market started globalizing rapidly the old conception of the Trickle Down Economics as well of the Bureaucratically complicated European Union Economics and Governmentally involved Chinese and Russian Free Market Structures are all becoming more inadequate and inflexible to support the incredible growth accelerated by the vastly improving technologies, the internet's informational and Globalization effect and overall the intellectualization of the Global competition: the World has been changing so fast that none of these Economics could manage it without major disruptions in wealth redistribution: the main issue for all of them is the Demand to Supply balancing when giving more Individuals access in the Global competition and in the same time improving their social structures of access to good education, care for the elderly and the socially disadvantaged, and the over all social stability; building and maintaining their infrastructures and fighting the increasing treat of the fundamentalistic terrorism.
* the dehumanization of the capitalism: the system of Trickle Down Economics based on the Ideology of Capitalism was working fine:
· up until the point where the competition has become Global and the Conglomerates have started exporting all their jobs abroad to a cheaper labor and thus disrupting the Supply to Demand Balance;
· up until Japan overrun US in automobile and many high tech products market share;
· up until the point when the Eastern Communist Block was dismantled and millions of skilled workers flooded the Western and US labor markets;
· up until the point where China released its huge Market to a freer Market business;
· up until the point when India flooded US with its high tech educated specialists and many high tech and software conglomerates open their RC there
· up until the point where the profit margins of the small to medium US corporations doing business only on US soil have been tightening profit margins unable to compete to the cheaper import and raising prices of imported commodities:
So after all these and other developments on the Global Markets the US Economics based on the ideology of capitalism has been becoming inhumane: the middleclass has been losing ground, the good education has become very expensive, the infrastructure has been aging as a result of the shortage of capital as a result of the deficit triggered by the global wars on terrorism and weakening or not growing enough US Economy: the overall capitalistic balance of Supply to Demand has been disrupted and a new Market Forces have been emerging which could not be fixed by using the ideological tools of the capitalism or any other known ideologies: these new developments need a pro Market driven pragmatic approaches.
1. Market CILOD – Market Economics' characteristics:
* Intellectualization of the competition
* short term between ideas and their realization allowing medium to small companies to participate into the global market
* high technological serge on a Global scale
* global expansion of medium to small businesses
* heavily regulated business interactions, contracting and practices
* internet expending its role in communications, education, exchange of information, sales and general business practices
* heavily regulated direct and indirect investment through exchanges or trusts
* global access for investment to medium to small investors and investment groups
* international politics dictated by the interests of the Global business and investment
* globalization of the banking transactions and credit system
* political and market economic pressure progressively democratizing the rest of the World and expanding the interactive global market
* boost and ever expending international business travel
* heavy environmental regulations
* Global struggle to fight fundamentalism and terrorism
Chapter IV Philosophy of “Market Stability”
The free market competition was in the very foundations of the capitalism and therefore the market economics which too relies on the competition and Market balance is a continuation of the scare resources economics of the capitalism but because of the new market environment it differs into a pro Demand to Supply relativity' heavily regulated economics. This new environment is prompted by the new developments: the internet, the market globalization and the political liberalization of many parts of the World which will better serve a Global growth; by being well regulated it will prevent business and investment fraud, and uncontrolled pollution to establish relative security on the market exchanges and business practices and by establishing security on the Global market it will allow more individuals from all over the World to participate in the Global intellectual and market competition which will engage their creative powers, improve their life conditions and thus prevent religious fundamentalism and terrorism from expanding their destructive activities currently based on lock of opportunities and widespread poverty.
The new
Chapter V Psychology of “Market Stability”
A few points could comprehend the individual attitude
· Intellectualization
· Globalization
· Flexibilities and adaptabilities
· Open mind
· Individualization of business
· Self reliance
The new system will break old ideologies of the pro Scares Resources capitalism and socialism or communism, it will extinguish nationalism and chauvinism the co-products of even previous level of development thus a competitive self improvement with access to Global market of science, investing and business will change the values of importance. The relativity of wealth in the new system is based on the constant appreciation of assets all around the World which means that cities and countries will compete for their location to attract individuals with hi intellectual and business qualities the internet's communicational and educational abilities will give the opportunities to individuals who in the previous system were out of competition. In this kind of new competition the old created self confidence based on nationalistic belonging, or advance classes or other belongings will have less bearing on the access to the Global competition for individuals therefore the individual values of intellectual power will be preceding and promoting these individuals. The qualities of life succeeded by individual countries and they will be called Most Developed Countries will attract advantageous individuals to move there; such processes are already very well established in Western Europe which sucks intellectuals from Eastern Europe and from as far as South America, and the United States which does the same from India, China and all over the World; even internally for China as an examples this processes work where the urban areas suck intellectuals from the rural areas along with migrating workers: the process of concentration of intellectual powers by relocating these intellectuals is a very small part of the picture of globalization: there are much more advanced processes in action in which universities and companies will be approaching individuals located elsewhere for virtual education and self-employment providing more and more opportunities not relating their physical locations; the psychology of globalization is about expanding global access for individuals to the global intellectual competition; in this regard global investment will play the role of fueling local economies and thus promoting business competition: when the small to medium corporation and investors from the Most Developed Countries have a better secured opportunities to invest Globally the value of their investment will be much higher in the Less Developed Countries or as a matter of fact the same approach applies for the internal for these countries less developed parts of their own regions: this kind of raising the value of invested capital will widen the margins of return and provide the Most Developed Countries with a huge advance of Concentration of Equity which assets will b elsewhere.
The psychology of this kind of development is one breaking the old system of ignorance toward the rest of the world's problems too: not only the environmental and rising fundamentalism concerns are prompting close integration on the Global scale but also the common sense of limitless opportunities for business and investment expansion with their wide margins of return will push this kind of attitude of globalization.
In this kind of political and business environment the attitude toward Social Security, Medicare, of building internal infrastructure and transportation system will change too: until now there were considered more like a liabilities and expenditures and this will change with the security of the Market Stability which will change them into assets with their equity: how and why this will happen?
Without socializing the Economics the raising productivity based on the growing intellectual and business competition globally and the value of a country's common assets will prompt growth by the growing Demand: the infrastructure particularly of public transportations will be most valuable assets.
In the Market Stability promoting and prompting growth are the most valuable tools of Economics for a country to retain or maintain its status quo of a Most Developed Country it has to perfect its abilities to prompt and prompt growth.
In a wide margins investment' environment the inflationary forces will be strong but as we know from the history of economics competition lowers prices: the regulated but free Market Economics will retain its stability based on the Globalization and the revolving and expanding capital.
Source by Joshua Konov