
They say that the Internet can be quite distracting, and I think we all know that's true, especially when it comes to social networks. Before, it was the television which was the big distraction in our society, often keeping people from becoming successful in their lives as they had put far too much time into sitting on a couch and watching the TV. Couch potatoes, that's what we called the generation that spent 4 to 5 hours per day sitting and watching the boob tube. Okay so let's talk how this affects those who are online article authors practicing their niche.

You see, it wasn't more than a few weeks ago that a popular blogger on a major online article directory websites suggested that if you needed a break from article writing, that you might turn on the TV. Perhaps you watched an episode of your favorite sitcom, reality TV series, or an interesting movie. Maybe you watched the news, and something got your goat and made you want to express your own opinion but you were unable because you don't have a voice like many of the TV commentators. Why not secure that voice online with a good quality and to the point online article?

I can tell you this, after writing over 4000 articles on opinion, news, and political topics and I have used this sort of strategy an endless number of times when watching the TV news. When watching a science fiction movie perhaps a new thought might pop into my mind of a future innovation, idea, or invention. So you see, you can use the television as a good prompt for unique and interesting article titles and topics. If you ever run out of things to think about or write about in your own niche, you might see how current events relate to what you are doing.

Perhaps it's just like reading a good book, the newspaper, or even a trade Journal in your industry niche. It's amazing how everything in the human endeavor affects everything else, how something happening in the news on the other side of the planet will change the perception in your industry at home. Perhaps a natural disaster, civil unrest, or something else will give you insight into how easy it is to shake the core of stability in our own homeland. This might give you ideas to write about, and I hope it will as it certainly has for me.

So whereas, yes, the television can be a horrible distraction, it might also help you in your article writing endeavors – that is if you use it as a tool. Indeed I trust that you will please consider all this and think on it.


Source by Lance Winslow