Bathroom remodeling provides an opportunity to go for an entirely new look. For some, bathroom remodeling is a time for an unusual look – something unique.
Bathroom remodeling with rock and other natural materials can give you that unique look. It can give you the feeling of being in a natural retreat, far from the busy city life.
Achieving the Look
Begin your bathroom remodeling project by designing, or finding a design of the finished product. How do you want the bathroom to look when you are done?
For example, suppose you want a relaxing, peaceful hideout. What elements will achieve that look? What tasks will your bathroom remodeling project include?
1. Walls: Picture grasscloth wallpaper in green and tan tones. Grasscloth wallpaper is made of natural grasses, and green shades are not bright. The woven wallpaper has a horizontal line, and will set the mood for your project of bathroom remodeling with rock and natural materials.
2. Floor: A floor of slate or marble, real or imitation will fit your theme and be easy to clean. Use natural hemp or grass mats.
3. Sink: Purchase a rock sink. These sinks are hewn from river rocks, and hollowed with a polished cavity. They have a standard drain hole. Deep or shallow: choose a rock sink to enhance your bathroom remodeling.
4. Vanity: Continue your bathroom remodeling with rock and natural materials by choosing a bamboo vanity on which to set your rock sink. These vanities come in various sizes, and will carry the outdoor theme well. Hang a bamboo mirror / cabinet above the vanity.
5. Faucets: Bamboo shaped faucets will complement your sink well. The type that have an open top at the faucets end will look as though they came right from an oriental garden into your bathroom remodeling project.
6. Bathtub: Yes, you can get a “boulder bathtub” for your natural bathroom. You could probably find a standard bathtub with a marble-like finish, but an actual boulder would be natural. This calls for a large bathroom, and will look cramped in a small space. Add bamboo faucets to match those at the sink. Caution: Please make sure your floor will hold the weight before you order a boulder bathtub.
7. Toilet: You may not be able to go this far with your project of bathroom remodeling with rock, but you can camouflage the toilet to make it fit your theme. A dark green or black toilet would blend well.
8. Shower curtain: Hemp is a perfect, natural shower curtain material. It is durable, and stands up to water, as shown by its centuries-long use for canvas boat sails. Hemp is also said to be naturally anti-fungal & anti-bacterial. Macramé curtain rings are a nice touch.
9. Lights and Accessories: Complete your bathroom remodeling with rock and natural materials by adding natural lights and accessories. Recessed lights are good, since they will give the appearance of daylight without being visible. If you want makeup lighting around the mirror, look for shaded bulbs and use shades to match your grasscloth wallpaper. Towel bars and other small fixtures can continue the bamboo theme. Add a potted plant in a natural, earthen pot.
Some have used stone veneer facing in their bathroom remodeling. It can be applied to one wall, or from floor up to about 3 feet on all walls.
Nice if Space Allows
Small indoor wall fountains give a peaceful ambience to any room. If your bathroom remodeling allows for it, this would be a nice addition.
A tabletop bamboo water fountain would be pretty beside your rock sink. Water tricking from the bamboo sticks would be a soothing sound any time of day.
Helpful Tip
Bathroom remodeling with rock and other natural materials is becoming increasingly popular. With imagination, you can find things in your own backyard that will add to the look. You can also shop flea markets and thrift stores for old, natural baskets to hold towels and tissue.