Here's a little story. Li, Ching-Yuen or Li,Ching-Yun was a Chinese herbalist, martial artist and tactical advisor. It is claimed that he was born in 1734 while disputed records say he was born on 1677. His lifespan of 199 or 256 years far exceed the longest confirmed lifespan of 122 years and 164 days.
The story goes that Li Ching-Yuen was supposedly born in 1677 in Qi Jiang Xian, Szechun province. He spent most of his life in the mountain ranges gathering herbs and knowledge of longevity methods. In 1749 when he was already 71 years old, he moved to Kai Xian to join the Chinese Army to be a teacher of the martial arts and a tactical advisor.
In 1927, he was invited by General Yang Sen in Wang Xien, Szechuan. There the general was fascinated at his youthfulness, strength and prowess despite his advancing age. His famous portrait was taken there.
1928, returning home home he died of natural causes. General Yang Sen after Li's death investigated the truth about his age. and later wrote the report and got published. Witnesses interviewed from his home province remembered already seeing Li when they were children and others reported that Li had already been friends with their grandfathers.
Sad to say this story will continue to be a longevity myth and not treated as a fact. His actual lifespan will never be firmly established due to the fact that the census documentation of rural 17th century China is so sparse with comparisons to modern records. Though his story has well been documented in a featured documentary by National Geographic magazine in 1930. Oh well,but at least one secret to Li's longevity is already produced right now. Yes, the raw organic superfood Tibetan Goji Berries.
It is believed that Li consumed Goji Berries everyday. Some even say that this was his main source of food. Tibetan Goji Berries as a raw organic superfood is being honored to these day because of its longevity properties in a two week festival.
Despite its longevity benefits, Tibetan Goji Berries also strengthens the immune system, increase energy and reduce fatigue, reduce the effect of free radical in the body, engender a sense of well-being and optimism and help curb appetite and over-eating.
As a raw organic superfood its nutritional profile is packed. Its loaded with nutrients and powerful antioxidants. 18 amino acids, more beta carotene than carrots, more iron than spinach, 21 trace minerals, 500 times more vitamin C than oranges, 13% protein more than whole wheat, and loaded more with other vitamins such as Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E.
The secret is out. Tibetan Goji Berries for longevity. Take it daily and live longer.
Source by Paul S Fitzgerald