
“Hey y'all, wake up…get up!” “I'm here!”

That was the 4:30 a.m. and/or 5:30 wakeup call to arms by my/our Grandfather every time he came to town from New Haven, Connecticut; we loved that cadence! “Ernest (Buster) Boulware”, formerly of 142 Cedar Hill Avenue, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, was the love of my life!

“Ernest (Buster) Boulware” was born to “Robert (Pundy) Boulware” and Rosell (Ma Sweet) Johnson” on July 8th, 1911 in “Winsboro, South Carolina. He is the only brother to “Jessie Lee Boulware, who married George Butler.” “Buster was married to my Beloved-Sweet Grandmother, Irene Gertrude Williams-Butler. “Irene Gertrude Butler-Boulware-Bunch, was called home on February Seventeen, Two Thousand and Seven. She was Ninety-Two years of age. My Grandmother was also born in South Carolina. She was born to Daniel and Bertha Williams-Butler on March Fourteen, Nineteen Fifteen. She bore four children, Rosa (My Mother), Ernest, Jr., Robert and Donald. My Grandmother's re-marriage to Mack Bunch produced a younger daughter as well as additional grandchildren.

My Grandmothers first-born grandchildren, Gregory (yours truly), Creed (Russell), Steven, and Derrick were born to Rosa. The other grandchildren were born to her youngest daughter.

My Granddad enlisted in the United States Navy Reserve on October 21. 1943 as an “Apprentice Seaman” (Ship Machinists Mate) in Philadelphia, Pa. He was released on December 24, 1945 and received his “Honorable Discharge” on “December 12, 1945 in Bainbridge, Maryland, by the “Bureau of Navel Personnel – Navy Department; signed by the Chief of Naval Personnel, R.A. Lanison, Assistant Head, Branch of Enlisted Services an Records Division.”

“Buster” was 32 years of age when he enlisted and 34 when he received his Honorable Discharge papers on 12.12.45. His discharge/service number was 816 78 55.

“Ernest” died on January One, Nineteen-Seventy Three. He was visiting with his mother and was intending to visit with me, his “First Born Grandson”, when he suddenly became ill. When illness overcame him, my “Uncle Jerry” was with him when he decided to return to New Haven.

I received the call that he died later that evening. My heart was broken…I loved him dearly, more than words could possibly express! My Grandfather was Sixty-Two years old when he was called to the lord. I miss him still! I am so very proud of him…I am proud to be his Grandson!

On this and every “Veterans Day”, I pay homage to him and all of the Veterans that are members and distant members of our family…”Boulware”, “Butler”, “Coulter”, “Henderson”, and “McCoy!” I celebrate the Veterans of all other families as well!

Thank you to “All of the Service Men and Women” that have served our country and their families, especially the service men and women of color.

My Grandfather was interred on January 8th, Nineteen-Seventy Three at the “Sun Set Memorial Cemetery”, Philadelphia, Pa. he died of “Pulmonary Edema – Congestive Heart Failure.”

His legacy / Memory will live on in the Heart and Soul of my every being and passed on to my, our descendants, my wife Virginia M. Coulter-Boulware, our grandchildren and theirs.

Thank you United States Veterans! Thank you Veterans Past, Present, and Future.


Source by Gregory V. Boulware