
Sleep apnea has become a major concern in America and the rest of the world. This can lead to a number of serious medical problems such as stroke, heart attack, cardiac arrest, memory loss, and so on.

Sleep apnea, also called obstructive sleep apnea, is a sleeping disorder in which the breathing stops for a short period of time, then starts again. It can be caused by a number of different things. Most people think that it is caused by having too much alcohol in your system, but studies show that most cases are caused by something else.

When your body stops breathing for a short period of time, it will cause your brain to start to think that you are not breathing and will produce tiny signals in your body that will cause the small bones in your neck to relax. This allows more air to be able to enter your lungs. A person with sleep apnea will often wake up tired and unable to get back to sleep as if they were physically exhausted.

When a person's body is not breathing properly during a short period of time, it can actually cause them to have a heart attack or even have a stroke. Sleeping disorders like sleep apnea can lead to damage to the inner workings of the heart that can cause it to eventually die. If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you may have a hard time sleeping at night, and you will be less productive when you are awake.

There are several types of sleep apnea that your doctor can test you for. One type is obstructive sleep apnea. This type causes the airway to partially close down when a person is asleep, resulting in the person not being able to breathe properly. You can actually diagnose yourself as having this condition if you have occasional shortness of breath, snoring, or choking during the night.

The other type is chronic obstructive sleep apnea. This form of sleep disorder causes your airway to completely close off during the night. You will find that you're snoring and choking will go on for hours, causing you to wake up constantly and wake others up as well.

You can also find that you will start to have trouble falling asleep and stay asleep as you get older because your body will produce less of the chemicals that are needed to make you fall asleep. This will leave you feeling groggy during the day and sleepy during the night.

There are many treatments for both forms of obstructive sleep apnea. Your doctor will help you decide what the best course of action is for you, and the most common methods are using a device that you wear on your forehead, a chin strap, or using an inhaler.

While they do have their drawbacks, these devices help to keep the airways open while you sleep. However, there are people who do not respond well to these devices, and they are only used in certain situations. An oral appliance called an OSA (opportunistic snorer), is the most popular device.

However, there are a lot of conditions that can lead to sleep apnea. It can be caused by something as simple as aging. The more common cause is a person's nasal passage becoming smaller as they age.

Treating sleep disorder is something that can be done at home. You can purchase a nasal spray that is supposed to help with nasal congestion and can be used to help with sleep apnea. In some cases, medications can be prescribed by your doctor, but oftentimes there are no side effects, and the problem will often go away on its own.


Source by Dan Licamara