
Should You Buy Bed Comforters Quilts or Bedspreads?

When looking for bedding to compliment your bedroom or decorate your spare room, there are many options for the shopper to choose from. While it's tempting to go with whatever matches the walls or compliments your furniture, it's important to think about comfort too. These days, the market place offers options from bed comforters and comforter sets, duvets, quilts and of course the traditional bedspread too. What is right for you and your home? Consider the following as you make a decision.

First of all when thinking about comforters versus bedspreads versus quilts, think about weight. Quilts are relatively heavy and are better suited for cold weather areas. They are especially not recommended for a southern summer. Comforters can be bought in various thicknesses for whatever climate you're living in. Bedspreads are typically cool and require additional blankets during the winter time.

Now, when thinking about bed comforters, quilts and bedspreads, think about the ease in making your bed. Comforters and quilts have the pro of being easy to simply pull up and throw your pillows in place. On the other hand, bedspreads have to truly be made and take longer to fix correctly each day. The wrinkles of a sheet not pulled tight show through and make correct bed making more important. That's why bedspreads do well in a spare bedroom where the bed doesn't have to be made quite as often.

Where decorating is concerned, all three of the major forms of bedding offer great styles to choose from and even come in bed comforter sets, quilt or bedspread sets. This means that the dust ruffle, pillow shams and sometimes even matching sheets and pillows are included. This makes for hassle free decorating. While you will definitely find that king size bed comforter sets as well as their quilt and bedspread counter parts are going to be significantly more expensive than the smaller sizes, one will definitely save money by going with the sets to decorate their bedrooms.

There is no right or wrong answer about which type of bedding you should choose. While bed comforters are the most popular choice, you should choose the one that suits your lifestyle best. Feel the top and bottom of the comforter to make sure it's comfortable to lay on top of and underneath. Comfort is so much more important than looks, but if you look hard enough you can find both.


Source by Peter D.